長津湖在線 - M4wvi0cexk2uhm
長津湖の戦いとは朝鮮戦争当時の1950年11月27日 米陸軍がハムギョンナムド咸鏡南道の長津湖の北側で中国共産党軍中共軍と衝突し. At the time of welcoming he posted the picture and wrote as follows.
長津湖 中國電影 Zh電影 The Battl 長津湖 中國電影 Zh電影 The Battle At Lake
On the 26th immediately after Foreign Minister Wang Yis visit to Korea US State Department spokesman Cale Brown told Twitter 70 years after the 長津湖戦闘 장진호 전투 Battle of Chosin Reservoir that took place in November 1950 during the Korean War.
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